Data is the digital raw material!

Last Updated: 8. März 2024By

On February 21, the Liechtenstein Embassy in Berlin, Liechtenstein Finance e.V., and F.A.Z. hosted the exclusive „European Economic Outlook“ event at Hotel Adlon for the first time. Among the approximately 60 guests from politics, business, and academia were Liechtenstein’s Prime Minister Dr. Daniel Risch and Federal Minister for Digital and Transport Dr. Volker Wissing, the most prominent participants.

In his speech, Dr. Risch highlighted the major innovations in the principality, such as the widespread fiber optic network, the introduction of the world’s first blockchain law in 2020, and the ability to pay taxes and fees in cryptocurrencies.

The digital future belongs to the brave and determined. I was especially pleased to hear the statement that agility is not just a privilege of small countries like Liechtenstein, but a characteristic of the brave and determined. This also applies to „small“ citizens and private investors. Those who have bravely and determinedly opened themselves up to Bitcoin, Ethereum & Co. in recent years and remained disciplined even during difficult times can now look with great joy at the developments in the crypto markets.

Dr. Wissing also made a noteworthy statement. He spoke about how digital systems cannot be built without corresponding data foundations and that lacking data is equivalent to a scarcity of resources. I also share this view: data are digital resources, the gold mines of the 21st century!

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The post Data are digital resources! appeared first on Investor Verlag.