S&P 500: Fresh All-Time Highs, Rally Continues

Last Updated: 30. Januar 2024By

It’s truly incredible how resilient the US stock market is at the moment. Despite already starting to overheat at the beginning of the new year, new all-time highs have been reached by the Dow Jones, S&P 500, and Nasdaq 100 together.

In the chart below, you can see the S&P 500. There is no sign of fatigue, on the contrary. The index took a short break around Christmas and then broke out to new highs with renewed strength.

S&P 500: Fresh all-time highs, rally continues Source: aktienscreener.com

Over +10% portfolio gain in just three weeks! Once again, our consistent winners from the Global Profits Power Depot are leading the way! Almost all stocks have recently seen strong gains, with N… even achieving almost +150% profit in just 10 months!

As a result, our Global Profits Power Depot is already up an incredible +10.29% in just the first three weeks of the new year!

If we extrapolate this to the entire year, it would be a +445% portfolio gain by the end of the year if the trend continues. However, this is by no means certain. But I wanted to illustrate the extreme upward momentum in our Global Profits Power Depot at the moment.

Global Profits Trading Depot: Congrats on the new stock doubler! There is also a record to report in our Global Profits Trading Depot: our leveraged security on the Nasdaq 100 Index, purchased on March 16, 2023, surpassed +100% profit for the first time yesterday!

Our new stock doubler is here – congratulations! But we must not get overconfident. Despite new all-time highs, the skepticism of US investors is currently increasing, as I can see from the decreasing enthusiasm in important sentiment data.