Palantir: The AI Future Palantir, ein amerikanisches Unternehmen, das sich auf Datenanalyse spezialisiert hat, hat in den letzten Jahren viel Aufmerksamkeit auf sich gezogen. Das Unternehmen wurde ursprünglich von Peter Thiel, einem der Mitbegründer von PayPal, gegründet und hat sich seitdem zu einem der führenden Unternehmen im Bereich künstlicher Intelligenz entwickelt. Palantir’s focus on data analysis has garnered a lot of attention in recent years. The American company was originally founded by Peter Thiel, one of the co-founders of PayPal, and has since become one of the leading companies in the field of artificial intelligence.
After Nvidia, now a second prominent AI company is taking off: Palantir. The software company reported its numbers for the 4th quarter yesterday – and they were so strong that the stock skyrocketed this morning. This has highlighted the opportunities in the entire sector, which I’m sure will also open up to you.
Palantir: Revenues better than expected Palantir’s numbers are or were impressive in any case. Revenue in the 4th quarter increased to $608.4 million compared to the previous year, a 20% increase. The consensus among analysts was $602.8 million, so even the optimistic estimates were surpassed by Palantir.
Adjusted earnings per share in the 4th quarter were $0.08 per share. In the previous year, adjusted earnings were significantly lower at $0.04 per share. The earnings estimates met the expectations of analysts, who form the consensus on Wall Street.
Other impressive numbers: The number of customers increased by 35%, which distributes the revenue (and consequently the profits) among more shoulders. I personally appreciate this fact very much, as the dependence on individual large customers can quickly lead to trouble for many companies. The number of so-called commercial customers in the US even increased by 55%.
Expectations for the new year are high But expectations for the new year are also high. According to Palantir, revenue in the 1st quarter is expected to be between $612 and $616 million, while analysts expect $617.2 million. Adjusted earnings (i.e. EBITDA) are expected to be between $196-200 million.
The stock market reacted with a massive jump, with the stock gaining 16%. This is now the sore point of this valuation that you should take note of. This means the P/E ratio will be around 190 for the previous fiscal year. That is „demanding“ or, to put it more clearly: expensive. The P/E ratio for the new year is expected to be over 120 based on estimates for the full year earnings. That is also expensive.
So, the AI industry is alive and continues to generate revenue growth – on one hand. On the other hand, the stock market is giving companies (and stocks) a lot of leeway. In my view, the stock of Microsoft, which is completely different in its structure, is much safer in this industry. Although the Americans may be more conservative in their valuation, they do not break out as exceptionally as Palantir.
Palantir: Very strong numbers – and very expensive – WKN: A2QA4J – ISIN: US69608A1088 Source: