New year, new price explosion!

Last Updated: 12. Januar 2024By

The start of this trading week was extremely profitable for the readers of my stock market service Voigts Global Profits. Our Global Profits Power Portfolio exploded.

In particular, our AI stocks knew no bounds after chip champion Nvidia announced a cooperation with US biotech company Amgen. They plan to use artificial intelligence in genome decoding to speed up the production of new medications.

New year, new price explosion! Artificial intelligence is conquering new fields of application, resulting in substantial profits for the providers. This is why the prices of our numerous AI stocks exploded once again yesterday: +4.32%, +3.88%, +6.47%, +3.62%, +6.43%…

Since all other stocks also saw gains, our portfolio saw a healthy increase of +3.57% in just one trading day! The small correction at the beginning of the year has been completely offset in one fell swoop.

Things are even better in our speculative trading portfolio. The Nasdaq 100 index, close to its all-time highs, and Bitcoin at fresh multi-year highs have already brought us new record highs in this year. Although the bar is already set high due to last year’s success and the spectacular start to the year.

Even our safest stocks are outperforming the market. This cannot yet be said for the major US indices.

So, even with our safest and most comfortable stocks, we are beating the US stock market. Although such a statement can only be seen as a first indication so early in the year. The fact is: things are going well for us in the first trading days of the new year.

From a technical perspective, there are groundbreaking developments happening with our investor stocks. We can expect to see an unusually high number of new medium-term buy signals in the coming months as (often multi-year) breaks come to an end.

This means: It will be the year of the latecomers! Most of the stocks in this portfolio will experience an impressive rally in the coming months and bring us outstanding profits.

My outlook for you in 2024 – here! The question, of course, is: What will happen this year? You can find my more detailed answer in the current issue No. 2 of my stock market service Voigts Global Profits.