an By 2024, these key industries will be essential.

Last Updated: 27. Dezember 2023By

A nerve-wracking year is coming to an end. With a clever defensive strategy, you still managed to make good money – not to mention the regular dividend payments.

Solid dividend income also in the next year These will of course continue in the next year. Because there are companies that have kept their dividends stable despite the crisis or even increased them. If you cleverly spread across different industries and regions, you can also rely on an additional income through regular dividends in the coming year.

No trader frenzy, but long-term investment in the most important key industries in the portfolio Don’t let yourself be driven crazy by daily or weekly fluctuations, but invest in the most important key industries. These include:

• Climate change. The megatrend covers numerous industries – from alternative drives to battery storage and building renovation to hydrogen. There have also been some innovative approaches from Europe lately. This is Germany’s first solar cycle path in the Netherlands. The glass photovoltaic modules are translucent and should generate around 280,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year.

• Raw Materials & Supply Chains: The decoupling of the West from authoritarian regimes will continue. New supply chains will emerge, including raw materials such as nuclear and lithium.

• IT security. The Western democracies have never been so threatened by cyber attacks as they are now.

• Biotechnology. In the coming years, the pharmaceutical industry will lose billions in sales due to expiring patents on blockbuster drugs. Replenishment is provided by the pipelines of innovative biotechnology companies. Instead of developing its own preparation, one buys the whole laboratory. Here investors are offered explosive opportunities through takeover candidates.

• The United States will remain with us as a high-tech incubator. No other country still offers such an innovative potential as the USA. Here you will find disruptive technologies beyond the known names, which should definitely be included in your portfolio.

• In contrast, China has got into an ideological cul-de-sac and exceeded its economic peak. India is becoming increasingly attractive as an alternative to China.